Friday 25 January 2013

Purchase of the day! (25.01.2013)

This week I had planned to video a 'get ready with me' then after work on Monday night I has slipped on the snow and fell face first into a gate with pointy bits! I know have a bruised right eye (which by the way looks like I've been in a brawl) and then thought that I won't do it as I don't really want to look like a panda in my first YouTube video! So as I mentioned in my previous blog update that I will be doing a purchase of the day; today I caught the bus to the mall to get my eye sight checked, especially after the injury.i just wanted to be safe that my eye wasn't injured on the inside to, after my eye sight check I popped into a few shops and picked up a few things! The looks I got for having a purple eye was not good! Some of my friends were asking me if I had been I a fight.

Anyways on to the products...

1. Next perfume called Paradise - £8.00 at Next.

2. Daily Essentials Express Hydration Primer Nivea - £3.99 at Superdrugs.

3. Technic Nail Varnish shade 'Bonanza' - £0.99 at body care.

4. Maybelline Master Precise Liquid Eyeliner - £6.49 at Boots.

I know I said 'purchase of the day' wish would usually mean one thing but I thought I'd show you it all!


Saturday 19 January 2013


I've been busy as I've started college again (urgh)! But I'm looking forward to completing this year! (i have not forgot about my blog i promise) Even though Christmas was almost a month a go now, the snow has decided to make an appearance, which has many people either annoyed or rather happy to see it. As I'm stuck indoors on a snowy weekend completing some assignment I thought I'd update you on what I plan to do on my blog.

First I'll start with telling you that I have a YouTube channel which I have not yet put any videos up, I plan to do one really soon and have pencilled it into my diary. I'll be honest I am looking forward to it!

Secondly I tend to buy something almost everyday. It was a really bad idea to put my college right next to the mall. I end up popping round and just spending money on a lot of stuff. Sometimes pointless stuff! Haha. Anyways I thought that instead of doing a haul; because then I would end up doing it like every other week. I thought I'd do a 'purchase of the day' on my blog. If I buy more than one thing on one day then I'll obviously put then up as a haul.

And lastly; I am now on the keek train! I've set up keek and started using it at the beginning of the year. Lately I haven't put anything up but I plan to put up more videos!

Twitter - @abida_tasneem
Instagram - abida_tasneem
Keek - abidatasneem

Wednesday 2 January 2013

My New Years Resolutions!


So it's the second day into 2013, and I've only just made some New Years resolutions. It's not too late if course! So this my New Years resolutions are...

1. To reduce the amount of money I spend on playing the lottery.

2. To spend less money in pointless thing that I don't need!

3. To make time for my lovely family in my busy schedule!

4. Last but not least - pay more attention to this blog!

What are your New Years resolutions?

Tuesday 1 January 2013


Hey guys!
So it's 2013 already! Woop! Have to be honest I'm a little excited this year... Got family weddings, continuing my college course, holidays etc in plan all for this year. I had a great 2012. Although I paid very little attention to my previous blog. Which is why I started fresh, and new. I will be showing more tender,love and care to this one!

Hope you guys are all well.
Happy New Year! xoxo